

KISS Syndrom I., 2024

Children's foot - podiatry and physiotherapy, 2023

Sensitive period in a childs development, 2023

Annual workshop for Vojta's method, 2018, 2019, 2021,2023

DNS according to Kolar, Concept based on developmental kinesiology, DNS Motol conference, 2022

Respect and to be respected, 2021

RL - Corpus Application of developmental kinesiology according to Vojta, in movement disorders in the pediatric population, 2017

II. International Congress of Developmental Kinesiology, 2017

Kineziotaping I., 2017

Kinesiotaping Method, 2017

Basic kinesio-taping techniques during pregnancy and post-partum, 2017

Bobath concept in children with cerebral palsy, 2015

SM-system: rehabilitation of intervertebral disc herniations, and complications after spinal surgery, 2015

Treatment of idiopathic scoliosis by active segmental centration technique, 2015

Breathing techniques in context with posture, 2015

Hippotherapy - basic application in rehabilitation, 2014


Master of physiotherapy., SZU 2016

Bacherol of physiotherapy, UJEP 2013